Tag Archives: embedded commands

Using Quick Persuasion to Sell Your Ideas and Close Deals

Whether you have a sales, marketing, or executive job, your underline task is always to sell yourself,  ideas, products, or services to other people. Selling to people requires you to convey your point of view in efforts for someone to agree with you and take the necessary action. Here are some amazing posts I have written that will allow you to persuade someone to take action  now.

  • Using Tie downs– Ties downs are sentences that you use after particular states you make to bring more interaction in your conversation.
  • Repeat & Approve -This technique allows your client to subconsciously understand and believe you are giving them your undivided attention.
  • Create Awareness – You can easily create awareness in a conversation with a client which will not only give you their attention, but it will also allow you to create and lead the conversation in any direction you want.
  • Irresistible Persuasion – Learn how you can understand how a client makes a decision so you can customize your pitch and responses to their objections.
  • Future Pacing – This brilliant technique helps you handle objections that your client may create by talking to someone else which allows your client to keep their commitment.
  • Pain & Pleasure – Everyone on this planet either moves away from pain or goes toward pleasure. Discovering how you should handle each person will help you create rapport and motivate them to take action.
  • Embedded Commands – Simple and easy embedded command strategies to make your clients take action when it is time to do so.
  • Has There Ever Been a Time When – This language pattern has the power to make your client feel a certain way to motivate them into instant action

How Using “Tie Downs” Can Make You A Persuasive Communicator

Have you ever spoken to someone in the past who was really drawn to what you were saying? Like you were just talking and they couldn’t help but to keep nodding their head and saying words like “yeah”, “uh-huh”, “then what happened”. When you are getting eager reactions such as those from your listeners, doesn’t that give you some kind of signal that what you are saying is very interesting or compelling? Well what about the opposite? Your talking and your listener gives you little or nothing to work with. Especially if you are trying to sell this person on some kind of idea or product, and all they are doing is looking your straight in the eye with no expression. Has that ever happened to you?

Energy and Enthusiasm

Besides the technique I am about to teach you, having energy and enthusiasm when you speak makes a world of difference. Many times, it’s not what you say but how you say it. This is hard to convey through text, but let’s say you are telling someone about a party.

“Hey man, there’s a party this weekend, you should come…”


“Hey man! There’s this awesome party this weekend! You gotta be there!!”

Practically the same words but said differently can be the difference to whether that person comes to the part or not. Now to take your communication to the next level.

Tie Downs

Tie downs are small phrases or brief sentences you use after you say something that gives opportunities of interaction to your listener.

“Hey man! There’s this awesome party this weekend! You gotta be there!!” You love parties don’t you!?

Now when I added a tie down to this sentence, not only do you gain interaction from your listener, but the tie down you use specifically correlates with what you just said.  This is actually done on purpose.  The agreement can be in the form of a verbal response (“yes”, “of course”, “sure”), a head nod, or even attentive silence.

In a sales scenario:

“Bud, this tie looks great with your suit. It shows the type of professionalism that’s required to be successful in a job like yours. You want to look professional, don’t you?”

So if the client says “no”, they are saying “no” to looking professional. This is why they will most likely say “yes” to the question. By saying “yes” to this question, they are also assumed to purchase the product.  The best part about this is that it gives you the leverage to handle their objection if they say “no” to your close.

Client: “no, I don’t want it…”

You: “Bud, professionalism in your job is what helps in your success, isn’t it?

Client: “Yes”

You: “Well, that’s exactly why you need to get this tie. Let me ring you up. Did you want to do cash or credit.”

Implanting an Embedded Command

Tie downs are also a way to focus attention on the question form of your statements instead of the embedded commands the statements contain.

“You can see the power of this, can’t you?”

It leaves the listener caught trying to answer the question while the suggestion/command ‘see the power’ slips into the subconscious.

A Less Aggressive Approach

Here is an example given to me by one of my readers (Andrew):
If our company could save you $300 per year on your domestic budget, how do you think that you would spend it?

Tie Downs for Bloggers

Since many of you are bloggers or people becoming bloggers, I figured I should show you the power of tie downs in Blogs. As I stated before, tie downs do not necessarily have to mean a verbal “yes”, in fact it can just be something one says internally. When you want to draw someone into a conversation, you ask them a question or something that allows them to participate.

Many bloggers naturally use questions toward the end of their blog when asking for their readers opinion on what they just wrote about or something along the lines to that. However, if they started using tie downs throughout their post, they would get more user interaction. Something as simple as a statement followed by a tied down throughout your post can help do this.

Have you ever read a long run-on statement that lost your attention? Sometimes even the best blog posts can be slightly modified with a few tie downs and make a world of difference. Tie downs give the reader subconscious cues to be ‘involved’. With the feeling of involvement comes participation. With participation, you will get more action on your blog. Whether it be products or services your selling or just getting people to click your ads, the more tie downs you use, the more active users you will begin to notice.

Influence Someone by Creating a New Reality

Convincing someone is a prestige art that requires powerful persuasive communication. Your thoughts mainly consist of your beliefs, emotions, and concepts. How you present yourself to others determines whether or not they listen or do what you tell them to do. This occurs within the first minute of conversation.

The Average Person

You are obviously AWARE of the conscious ways to speak to people:

  • Be animated
  • Talk about interesting information
  • Fluctuate your voice to avoid being monotone

However, very few people are AWARE of the subconscious ways to speak to people. Your mind consists of two parts, your subconscious and your conscious.

Conscious Mind

Your conscious mind is you being AWARE of everything going on around you during the current period of time. An example of your conscious mind at work is when you hold a telephone number in your memory long enough to make that call.

Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is always working in the background. Your subconscious does things like run your body, run your emotions, and store old memories. Have you ever read about the benefits of using certain words? Or purposely shifting your body to build rapport with someone? This is because based on thousands studies on the human mind, subconsciously, people are wired to act in a pattern oriented way.

You’re obviously beginning to see the significance to communicating to someone’s subconscious mind rather than their conscious, aren’t you?

Embedded Commands:

These phrases compel you to take action or do it now. These phrases subconsciously give you a command or something to do. These are words that are sort of like ticking time bombs for the brain. They are 1-3 words that are within sentences and have a relatively powerful impact on your prospects decision making process.

For example: It seems like you clearly agreeing with what I’m telling you so let’s ACT NOW so I can help you get what you want in the time you need it…does that work for you?

This is a very simple pattern to catch on to. Keep in mind that when you say this out loud, you need to put a unique emphasis on your embedded command. Sooner or later, after much practice, you’ll begin to discover a difference on our prospect’s action. This command is very subliminal meaning that it will affect them subconsciously.

  • Buy it now
  • Do what I say
  • Sign here
  • Sign up today
  • Say yes
  • Do it now
  • Tell me yes
  • Sign the contract
  • Choose me
  • Trust me
  • Feel comfortable

Most people somewhat understand the concept behind embedded commands, but when it comes to using it effectively in real life conversation they fail. Why? Because as I stated earlier, your embedded commands must have a unique emphasis when said aloud. Some people tend to simply chicken out. As you begin to practice using embedded commands, use more authority and conviction in your voice as you say the commanding word. You can even add a slight pause before and after the command which is bit easier to do.

How Do You Create a New Reality?

The answer is simple. Increase their level of awareness by using the following phrases and words within your conversations which will allow the person you are communicating to pay attention to what you say.

Awareness Phrases

  • Listen carefully
  • Pay attention
  • Be aware
  • This part is important
  • This is where it gets interesting
  • Check this part out
  • Watch this closely

Awareness Words

  • Discover (ing) – Soon you’ll begin to discover new ways to make money
  • Achieve (ing) – After achieving success, you’ll want to learn how to go to the next level.
  • Start (ing) – If you start to think about what learning this will do to you, you’ll instantly become excited.
  • Experience (ing) – After experiencing how amazing it was to skydive, I felt as if I can do anything.
  • Imagine (ing) – Imagine learning these new ideas and applying them into your life.
  • Able to – You’ll be able to apply this into your conversation almost instantly.

These are some words you can use to influence someone to become aware of what you say. After your listeners start to experience the new level of awareness from your conversations, they’ll be more likely to do what you want or at least find you as an authoritative figure.

Yes, I understand that most people have seen these words or phrases and chances are, you have already used them in your day to day conversations. People use the language of creation all day everyday without knowing and thereby accidentally creating the response. Now that you’re aware of these words and phrases, you’ll be able to deliberately apply these tactics and create the responses whenever you want.

Get People to Tell You Yes!

Embedded CommandsBeing persuasive is key for anyone to be successful in life. Whether you are selling a product, a service, or yourself, you are essentially getting prospects to buy. Sometimes, it can be easy, but most of the time, it requires skill and work to get someone to SAY YES. We are cognitive beings that are pre-wired to do things a certain way. People are not born successful, they are built to be that way. Words are extremely powerful because what you say shapes everything people understand from you. Obviously, what you say will determine which Continue reading