Category Archives: Behavior

The Secret to Why You Do What You Do and How to Use it to Your Advantage

Many people ave unique abilities or talents that separate them from everyone else. It provides a variety of concepts and ideas that overall revolutionize the way we live our everyday life. One thing that we all share in common is how we make the decisions we make to do the things we do. We all make decisions and take actions based on our Culture, Beliefs, and Past Experience.


Culture is a way of being and doing. It is so much a part of who we are that, like fish who cannot understand water until they are pulled out of it, we do not see the effects of our own culture on us. Cultural influences are most visible when looking at other countries and societies.

What strikes us is how strange other cultures are. How can they possibly believe that? Most people would question why someone would be willing to sacrifice their own life for their culture.

What does your culture tell you is worthwhile? What does your culture tell you is worth sacrificing your own life? Everyone, in any culture, will know the answers. It will seem so ‘common sense’ that these, and other questions are simple. No one asks where the ideas come from. Our own cultural influences are mostly hidden from us. And no matter how the answers differ from one culture to another, each person will be convinced that theirs is the correct answer and will feel it deep in their bones. Culture is like that. Don’t underestimate it.

Culture Goes Deeper Than You Think

It may surprise you how far back your cultural training goes. Surely, being right or left handed, or the sounds our mouth and tongues make, or the things we can and cannot eat – those are inborn, right?

Wrong. There is a preference for one hand over the other before birth (as shown by thumb/finger sucking behavior) and if ‘left alone’ by culture, this will remain the dominant hand. However, cultures haven’t always stayed out of the picture. It takes about 8 months to switch from one hand to the other (as demonstrated by people who lose the use of a dominant hand).

In Britain, during the 1970s, a study was conducted that showed while more than 10% of the population started out left-handed, the population over 55 was down around 3%. What happened? The explanation is cultural.

Because of societal prejudice in the 19th and early 20th centuries, left-handedness was seen as a detrimental trait. A trait that could keep you from getting married and reproducing or one that had to be ‘beaten out’. Thankfully, this has changed. As cultures came to accept left handers (and even value them in some sports) the number of people born with a left-handed preference remained left handed. When cultures change, people change.

Culture also determines the sounds you are able to make with your mouth. Humans are born as natural linguists, able to speak any human language at all. This ability, found in young children, is lost as age increases and we are then only able to correctly pronounce our native language. We are born mimics, and our culture tells us, and shapes us, to make the sounds required to fit in.

How Culture Affects Communication

Culturally based communication styles cause problems when parties do not recognize relevant cross-cultural differences. People tend to think that everyone uses the same rules and meanings. An American, for instance, usually uses an informal speaking tone and adopts an open and honest style in negotiations. This is also reflected subconsciously in their body language.

But there is no universal, cross-cultural mode of communication. Americans tend to smile a great deal, even with strangers. It’s seen as just being friendly. In other cultures, a smile may indicate embarrassment or even be insulting. Even such common, subconscious movements, like shrugging, or rubbing one’s forehead, can be misinterpreted and have great significance in other cultures.

A good idea would be to identify these often subconscious speaking and body language habits. If they can be made visible, and if they can be understood, they can be used consciously to great effect.


Beliefs are opinions and ideas about things for which there isn’t enough information available to say, “I know.”

The difference between beliefs and culture is that while they both give us ‘truths’ of a sort, culture moves very slowly compared to beliefs. Culture changes over generations, beliefs can change overnight. Throughout your life there will be periods where beliefs change. They disappear, get stronger, and new beliefs arise as old ones are abandoned. Some changes are obvious – Santa Claus and the tooth fairy are two we usually abandon fairly soon. Religious conversion (either towards or away from) is a powerful belief change.

The important thing is to understand that shared beliefs encourage rapport. When you run into a belief that strongly contradicts your own, you are most likely to reject the person who holds them as being stupid or crazy. But, of course, our own beliefs aren’t stupid or crazy. Are they?

Well, we used to believe the earth was flat, Pluto was a planet, ‘bleeding’ someone could cure disease and women weren’t smart enough to vote. Stupid? Crazy? Not at all. Remember, beliefs fill the gap when there aren’t enough facts to actually know.

Recognize that others hold beliefs contrary to your own. Forget actual truth value, beliefs only seem true because they haven’t been proven false. Beliefs are powerful things and often resist change.

Past experiences

How you react to the events in your present circumstances is based on similar experiences you’ve had in the past. This is a great convenience to us, but is prone to mistakes.

The expedient part is that we don’t have to rethink every small part of our daily experience. A thousand minor events are dealt with nearly subconsciously. Everything from tying our shoes, buying gas, even reading and writing – all these skills are stored as memories. And we don’t have to relearn each task. The mistakes happen when we misuse or misapply our experiences. Americans have some difficulty driving in Europe. The same task that is automatic at home suddenly becomes difficult ‘on the wrong side of the road’. Of course, there isn’t a right or a wrong side. It’s just that our experiences no longer match the world around us.

Less obvious to us are the day to day mistakes – the assumptions we make, based on past experience, about new people. Slurred speech means they are dumb. Wrinkled clothing means they have sloppy work habits. The list of prejudices is endless. But memory is a powerful thing. If you’ve had difficulty with computers, and you need to use a computer, the whole experience is going to be shaped by your past experience. This may even congeal into a belief – computers are hard to work with.

April, 2007, Virginia Tech. 32 students are killed by Seung-Hui Cho. Although his motivations were complex, one thing is clear from the statements he left. His fear and loathing for society at large had been building for a long time. Labeled years before as having a social anxiety disorder, Cho’s experiences were of rejection and bullying by his peers. He found nothing of value in society and said, “You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option…You just loved to crucify me. You loved inducing cancer in my head, terror in my heart and ripping my soul all this time”.

Experiences matter. They accumulate and contribute to our model of the world around us. And a different set of experiences makes a different person. You are not just what you do, but what you have done. The paradox is that every new activity is different in some ways from the remembered one. Finding and exploiting these differences is key: knowing how much, and how little, to rely on past experience.

Become a Powerful Influencer

Now that you have a much better understanding on why people do what they do, you will find it much easier to “relate” with people you talk to. It’s not about you, it’s about the person in front of you.

Have You Ever Slowed Down to Focus on an Accident?

Has there ever been a time when you were stuck in traffic on the freeway? Then as you started to creep forward you realized that the traffic is because too many people were gawking at an accident on the side. Also, I bet that even though you got angry that the traffic was because everyone was focusing on the accident, you subconsciously slowed down and decided to look too! If you have ever been on a freeway, chances are that you are guilty of Rubbernecking! Our minds are consciously aware of only a few things during any given time. You get what you focus on most of the time. That means that whatever you are presently focused on is what you will perceive to be

reality right now.

Focus Focus Focus

The concept behind ‘focusing’ is so simple it can be taught to a kid. Most of you have probably played around with magnifying glasses in efforts to burn a hole through a piece of paper. The reason why the paper burns is because the rays from the sun penetrate through the magnifying glass and become concentrated into a single focal point which then causes a chemical reaction i.e. becoming hot enough to burn the paper. The point of this example is that the paper will only burn if the magnifying glass is positioned in a way for the light to have a single focus.

Negative Focus

From one of the previous blog entries I wrote about negative news, your focus can be subconsciously used to sabotage your entire career. If you are currently placing your focus on our declining economy, than more important things like your family, career, and lifestyle will all be directly affected. Yes, I understand the “need to know” of what is going on in this world, but if it alters my well being, I am not interested. Let’s say you are a real estate sales person and your job is to sell homes. The economy has substantially impacted the Real Estate Industry, but according to the reports, homes are still selling every single day. As a real estate person, your focus should be on money making activities like prospecting for business, presentations, and follow up. However, the focus for most Realtor is on money servicing activities like paperwork and other forms of “busy-work”. The money making vs. money servicing activities was a great concept I learned while working at the Mike Ferry Organization. I was taught to spend 80% of your time on money making activities and 20% of your time on money servicing activities. This format allows you to use the right amount of focus to bring in new business and take care of it.

Positive Focus

If you get what you focus on most of the time, does it not make sense to focus on something magnificent? The law of attraction blah blah blah, can come into play here, but I am referring to focusing on the right career, a project, a successful relationship, money, success. These examples are obviously too vague and focusing on something effectively requires you to narrow down your focus to the very last degree possible like the example with the magnifying glass. What is your focus? What do you want to do with your life? Is your focus to become the best sales person in your company? Is your focus to become an influencer so powerful everyone lives by your word? The power of ‘focus’ is so vast, that if you take advantage of it, you will be able to achieve almost anything you have ever dreamed of.

Exercising/ Weight Training

The concepts of ‘focusing’ does not only apply to success in business and relationships, but it also applies to physical fitness. The reason why there are hundreds of different machines or variations of exercises is because each of them focuses on a particular muscle in your body. A common challenge that most people have which results in an ineffective workout is that during the exercise, their focus is on a different muscle, watching TV, or listening to music.  When you exercise, pay full attention to the muscle you are supposed to work out because it will allow that muscle to achieve maxim effectiveness.

The Art of Multitasking

I noticed the power of multitasking a few years ago when I worked at MFO. The receptionist was able to speak on the phone, look up something on her computer, place people on hold, and write down notes almost simultaneously. Obviously doing all those tasks at once is definitely not impossible, it just requires a lot of practice. Multitasking allows you to do more and in less time. Practicing multitasking will inevitably blow up in your face at one point or another, but after the expected decline, you will be accelerating your process at speeds you thought were impossible before.

Multitasking does not mean you will be “focusing” on several different things at one time, in fact you might not be focused on one thing at all. After you master multitasking, you will be the depths of thoughts while everything your doing is just one big blur. Multitasking at a level of perfection will occur from your continuous practice of the task consciously. Once you begin to perfect the task, your mind will start to perform the task as if it were second nature. Ideally, if you practice the art of multitasking, you will learn to grow your mind’s knowledge and infrastructure at a faster pace than someone who performs each task linearly.

What are you focusing on right now? (not literally this second, but your overall direction in life)

Are You a Negative News Junkie? You Gotta Read This!

When getting ready for work most people follow a particular routine.  For some people the routine might be to roll out of bed, get ready for work then check out the news.  Then, when it is time for the long commute to work, the majority like to “turn that dial” to the local news station during their drive.   During work, these news junkies just cannot stop thinking about what else is going on in the world.  Eight hours of tedious pain staking work, they head on home while listening to the news.  Lastly, once at home they greet the family or pet, followed by getting out of those uncomfortable work clothes and you guessed it, check out the news again! The cycle repeats the next day.

Does that sound a lot like your life? Well if it doesnot, then you are part of the small minority because there are many people who just cannot stop checking out the news.  The obvious question: Why? Is it because we are in the information age and absorbing new information is really important to our likelihood and well being? Maybe for some it is.  After I became extremely curious why most people get engrossed with the news, I decided to search for my answers.  I asked my closest friends, family and anyone I came in contact with to figure out why people are so addicted to the news.  The answers I received was your typical, “I just want to know…” Since that was the first response I got, I decided to pry a bit further by asking more questions.  I finally came to a very interesting conclusion.  I realized that many people watch the news because they subconsciously feel better about their own lives and themselves.  I found this odd and interesting, but it does make sense.  It seems as if the worse and worse the economy gets, the more and more people are interested in watching the news.

Negative News Equals Negative Mindset

For some of you who have not already read my popular post: Do You Have a Friend Who’s a Looser? Get Rid of Em, read it.  Hanging around with negative people will lower your standards which I compare to immersing yourself with negative news. Think about it, is the news really that irresistibly interesting? “2 suspects were sent to jail today on suspicion of murdering their former teacher…” “The economy is doing terrible, 65,000 jobs were lost last month alone…” Why is it necessary to know this information? What good comes from this?   Do you believe you are setting yourself up for a successful life?  Do you really need to fill in that void with a daily “news fix”?

Why I watch the news

I have a different reason for watching the news along with being very selective of what I read. I almost never read about negativity in the news including:

  • Shootings
  • Murders
  • Rapes
  • Losing jobs
  • Economic meltdown
  • Mortgage crisis
  • Real estate gone bad
  • War

I usually read about:

  • Technology advances
  • Successful people
  • People getting their big break
  • Hollywood  news
  • Movie releases
  • Blogging
  • Occasional updates with whatever else is going on in the world

The occasional updates I use for different reasons than most people.  I use it as a tool to communicate with other people.  Almost everyone is talking about the bad economy. What I normally do is briefly converse with someone on a negative story and quickly change the conversation into something inspirational or positive.  I choose to be excited and motivated versus down and glum because of a horrible story. I am different than most people which is great! Does that make sense?

Positive News Equals Positive Mindset

Whether you are looking to become wealthy or spiritually connected, you have a much better chance doing so by being around the right people. What you see on TV or read online has the same impact.  The more positive news you read, the quicker you will allow yourself to emerge in positive thoughts.  They say positive thinking is what helps one move forward. This is somewhat true. Positive thinking is an ongoing action, meaning you must exert energy every second to keep your mind at a positive state.  Most people tell me “AJ, I had my one positive thought for the day so I’m ‘thinking’ positive.”  Even if you have conditioned your subconscious to continuously think of positive thoughts without being consciously aware, you will still end up with something negative by reacting to the news around you.  This is why it is also important to not only stay away from negative news, but read, watch, and listen to more positive news.  A great website I found is called

Why is the Media Persistent About Providing Negative News?

Every influential person in the world can write about why the news has such a terrible impact on one’s mind, but will people stop watching? Definitely not! The media is like any other business, the only way it survives is by making profit for its shareholders.  The media is only interested in making money which is done by advertising. The more people that watch, the more money they will make.  If  someone has the option on which they would rather see, a bank getting robbed compared to healthy babies being born, the answer would be obvious.  The media is aware that more people would watch the story about the bank robbery compared to the new babies.  This translates into people prefer negative stories rather than positive.

Empower Yourself and the World

Since we cannot simply boycott the news, how about we put 100% focus on positive news.  The media will deliver what the public wants.  If the public would rather be informed of more positive news compared to negative, that is what they will begin to deliver. You have the power to control the news.  Every person who decides that they would rather better themselves by viewing positive news would see the dramatic impact in their mindset.  Imagine the influence if 1 million people across the United States made the decision to ONLY watch positive news from now on. The outcome would be that those one million people would almost instantly see a change in their mindset which would allow them to focus on much more productive or spiritually enlightening things. Those 1 million people will create a ripple effect and possibly even help the economy.

Do you think this is possible? Can we really make vast change in the way we live our lives?  Do we have the ability to influence the media conglomerate? Martin Luther King did and succeeded. Gandhi made a difference.  Rosa Parks took the chance.   Why wait around for someone else to take action when we have the power to simply do it?  Only focus on positive news! Only talk about positive news. Only ASK for positive news.

You Forget 80% of What You Learn Every Day!

There are many people out there who spend hours on end every single day learning and feeding their mind with immeasurable amounts knowledge.  It truly is amazing to see that so many people have an interest in taking themselves to the next level.  Unfortunately, even though the intention is constructive, there lies a undetected negative affect to studying and learning new information.

Have you ever gone to a learning seminar of some kind, whether it is powerful and exciting like a raw-raw motivational event or a low-key workshop for new homebuyers?  Obviously from the back-end, the purpose of almost all these seminars are to sell you on something that you may or may not need.  However, the selling stuff aside, your intention at this seminar is to learn new information, gain knowledge, or maybe even refresh your memory. Chances are that 1-2 weeks after the seminars over, you’ll completely forget almost everything you’ve learned.


On the average, about 80% of everything you learn in any given day is forgotten.  What’s more interesting is that when some information comes in, sometimes other information comes out.   So now the question is how do we retain more information.

That reminds me of a story of a close friend of mine. He has an immense database of knowledge about sales.  He’s been a person who’s always been interested in learning and growing, which I realized almost instantly the day I met him.  Now it sounds like this guy is just hungry for success, and he is, but he was actually hurting and stopping himself to achieve success indirectly. He would spend hours every day learning something new and then the next day he would do it again.  What I noticed was that he kept learning new strategies, techniques, concepts, etc., but took very little action. By taking very little action I mean that he didn’t apply what he learned.

I was just like that in the sense that I kept learning, but didn’t apply it either.  All my knowledge was just archived in my head.  It was just recently (last 1-2 years) that I started applying what I learned in the different situations and scenarios I came across.  My results were remarkable.  People almost always felt comfortable talking to me.  This was all because I simply stopped spending most of my time learning new stuff and started applying what I already knew or some cases what I just learned.  The irony behind it is that usually I’d talk to people about “” type of information, which would blow them away.  My whole goal is to become an interesting person and as I apply what I know, it’s becoming reality.

The advice I gave my friend was that he needed to stop spending all of his time to learn new stuff every day and start taking action what he knows.  I believe in a very simple philosophy: Apply what you know and you will naturally begin to perform your skill subconsciously (without you being aware that your using it) and then you’ll automatically strengthen your “skill of learning” which will allow you to learn new things faster and apply them with ease.  He agreed with me and decided to follow my advice and now he couldn’t be happier with results he has created by taking more action.

We learn

  • 10% What we READ
  • 20% What we HEAR
  • 30% What we SEE
  • 50% What we SEE and HEAR
  • 70% What we DISCUSSED with OTHERS

I’ve read this report researched by the William Glasser’s Institute about how we learn.

We learn 10% of what we read

That’s astonishingly low and very de-motivating.  However, it makes sense when you read the other numbers which I’ll explain why below.

We learn 20% what we hear & 30% what we see

I found this interesting and would definitely argue this knowing that some people are visual (learn by seeing) and some people are auditory (learn by hearing). So this seems debatable to me as being either or.

We learn 50% of what we see and hear

True. 20% + 30% = 50%

We learn 70% of what we discussed with others

Sounds about right since talking with others allows you to communicate your thoughts, opinions, beliefs, and concepts. You’re also absorbing someone else’s point of view.  Discussing something with others is obviously more memorable too.

We learn 80% of what we experienced personally

We almost always relate something we’re learning to some person, place, thing, or event from the past.  If what you’re learning triggers a familiar memory, of course it’s going to be stickier in your brain.  Now you have whatever your learning neurologically linked to some memory in the past.

We learn 95% of what we teach to someone else 😉 I agree with this 100%.  I can personally say that I became a much better communicator after I started teaching people what I knew.  Not only is it easier to learn, but also its just overall more fulfilling knowing that you were able to teach someone something.  That feeling alone enables me to continue doing what I do.  I’m sure most of you agree that when you teach someone something, your brain sort of changes into a different mode.  That mode allows us to learn that information a lot quicker. That’s exactly why people choose to become a teacher in California and the 49 states across the US

By now I hope you were able to link up that part about applying what you learn instead of constantly learning new information and the way we learn the fastest: teaching others.  I’m not saying stop learning new things because it’s a great way to grow, what I’m saying is that you should focus most of your time on taking action on what you do know, rather than focusing on learning-learning-learning.

And as far as “you only learn 10% of what you read,” it sounds as if reading was a waste of time, but the fact is that you can take that 10% of what you read and create magic by apply it.

How say you?

Do You Have Mad Learning Skills?

Process of LearningEveryone wants to be good at something. That something could be the skills to play basketball, it could be skills to sell, or even the skills to sing. Whatever that something is, learning any skill is a process.

The Process of learning:

Subconscious Incompetence

This is the stage the first stage in the process of learning. Subconscious Incompetence means that you are NOT consciously ware of what skill you lack. Then as you come across situations you’re unfamiliar with, you’ll start to ponder about it.  This leads us to the next stage, Continue reading

Revolutionizing the Way We Learn

VAKAs teenagers (Jr. High – College), we learn and pick up information much faster than we do as adults (after college). We process information mainly through 3 of our 5 senses: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic. Everyone is more dominate in one than the other…including teachers. The way they teach is the same way they process information, i.e. if they are visual, than they will teach all of their students in a visual format. So in a classroom of 30 students, since 1 in 3 students are more visual than the other senses, only 10 students are Continue reading

The Needs That Influence the Way We Live Our Lives


Certainty – Humans are beings of comfort and complacency. It is true that there is no guaranteed certainty, however, we much want certainty that we will live to see tomorrow, that the electricity works, you still have your job.

Uncertainty – Ironically, with too much certainty our lives would simply be Continue reading