One of my favorite mentors during the beginning of my personal development career was a guy by the name of Matthew Ferry. I’ve learned many amazing concepts about the law of attraction, the universe, synergizing, and several others. However, one of the most concepts I’ve ever heard was the six steps to mastery.
1. Formulation
- Create a clear vision for your goals
- Make a decision as to what you want
- Create a step by step plan
- Look into who needs be involved with you
- Make an announcement about your intention to anybody and everybody (the universe)
2. Concentration
(Since habits take time to create… this stage will take you close to 90 days before you can move on the next)- Start taking action (get to work)
- Work with your plan (modifications or small changes)
- Get the ball rolling
- Consistency is what will be the decisive factor to take you to the next phase [critical]
- You’ll be doing a lot of work and see little to NO RESULTS
- This phase is compared to you being a hamster on a wheel
3. Momentum
(This stage can take you anywhere from 2-6 years before moving on to the next)- This is the phase where you’ve learned a few tricks allowing you learn effectiveness
- You finally start to see some results
- The following phase begin to inspire you, Stabilization
Momentum KILLERS:
- No system or lack of structure
- Ego (Dam I’m good! Check me out now!)
- Momentum killers can take you back a phase as they slow down your growth
4. Stabilization
(You can end up spending many years in this stage… or the next stage will just happen “all of a sudden)- Repetitious Boredom you find yourself not caring as much as you use to when you prospect for new business
- You finally have systems in place that allow you to become automated
- You have a strong structure with statistics and predictable numbers
- Consistency*
- Organization and constant planning
- Empowering other to manage your systems (delegation)
- Big results happen in this phase
*Don’t change things that are working
*Don’t experiment unless there is a reliable system in place.
5. Breakthrough
(After a breakthrough, you will go back into stabilization mode…. this will happen over and over again for many years)- Sudden or unpredictable bursts of results
- Everything begins to speed up
- You must stay calm and simply deal with the power and velocity
- Your communication skills becomes one of your most vital tools (staff, customers, affiliates)
- Be certain everything around you is supported and organized
- Your breakdowns will become opportunities for you to go through break throughs
- After you have your breakthrough, you must go back into stabilization
6. Mastery
(Nearly impossible. only a handful or small percentage of people reach this phase… you can refer to the 10,000 hours rule as an reference to how often someone really achieves this level)- Excellence is achieved
- Do nothing and have everything occur
- Everything delegated
- The business has a life of its own
- Everything is done by people who are better than you
Set Backs
(setbacks are inevitable. Here are the causes and consequences)1. Breakdowns
(Having breakdowns is the only way to have a break through. Success usually happens right before everything seems as if it’s maxed out. However, If you don’t have a breakthrough, you don’t experience the spontaneously amazing results and go back to working in the stabilization phase.)- You aren’t doing the things that got you into the momentum
- You stop following your routines, schedules, and processes
- You become distracted by things that may seem like they are important
- You stop following your plans and begin to break promises
2. Disasters
(Disasters will take you back by two phases as they ultimately sabotage your systems.)- Managing emergencies instead of processes
- Stopped doing the plan a while back
- Stopped following a schedule, routine, or rituals
- Started lying or hiding the truth about daily activities
- Lack of communication
Achieving the phase of Mastery would be every entrepreneur’s dream. Are you will to do whatever it takes? Which phase would you consider your in right now, and why?
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