Tag Archives: mindset summit 2009

Go to the Next Level Like an Airplane

Take OffWhen an airplane takes off from the ground to cruise mode, it exerts more energy then the entire flight. By energy, I mean that the engines work a lot harder then when the plane is leveled off in the sky or landing. When you start a business or a skill set you wish to master, you must spend most of your time and energy making it successful. Once the plane gets to the altitude it wants, it will level off, in which there is just smooth sailing so to speak. Once your business has become as successful as you’d like it to be, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy what you’ve Continue reading

Enjoy the Bad Economy with a Positive Mindset

MindsetThis word has been extensively used toward the end of 2008 and will continue to become popular throughout 2009. The obvious question: why? The loss of jobs, the horrendous stock market, inflation, and everything else that has been happening around us because of the bad economy. This can easily put anyone’s  mind in the gutter. I personally believe that most people right now have a terrible mindset. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize that  you have 100% control over your mindset. You have complete control over your emotions and the decisions you make

So what exactly is mindset?

Mindset is a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations. To simplify, it means you Continue reading